Wednesday, September 3, 2008

School is here!

Well it's official, Fall and school time is upon us. My little Mattie is starting her first day of preschool today, so you can bet I'll be the crazy mom with camera in hand! ha ha This weekend I have commissioned my husband to get working on the studio area. (of course he doesn't know this yet)=-) Wives and their hunny do just cracks me up!! Be sure to check out some new wedding pictures at the end of the month; I know they are going to be so much fun, not your traditional wedding Pictures!! Seniors, get your stuff scheduled now!! Remember how fast those fall colors come and go and you don't want to miss it!! Every one, have a wonderful rest of the week!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Whew hoo...It has been a long week but a very good week! I don't know that this weekend will be much of a recuperating one either! ..BUSY BUSY a bumble bee...=-)
I'm still trying to get some more bugs out of the new site, my apologies to those of you who are not able to view all your pictures; rest assured..I am working on it! School is just around the corner...boy this summer flew by...where did it go? Although I love summer; I am looking forward to the cooler air and the beautiful colors of the fall! I have my eye on a few delicious lenses that I should be getting around the end of September/beginning of October. They will be very fun I'm sure! Great for those fall and Halloween pictures! I'm really hoping I can get my downstairs studio area functional very soon, these space restrictions are disgruntling! Well i better get busy, have a great week!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Website Launched

If your here, then you see that I have finally launched my new website!! There are some finishing touches that I am working on in the next few days. If you are here looking to proof your pictures, your gallery will be ready to view very shortly. I will email all passwords when everything is ready to go!! Thank you to everyone for your patience with the new transformation!! Please book your sessions soon, I am filling up fast and enjoy these beautiful days=-) ~Sally